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Hypothetical Collection

Here is my hypothetical collection. I left my sketches as flats because I eventually want to do line sheets for my final garments. Instead of actually sketching them by hand, I am sketching them in illustrator as flats so its quicker when I want to make all my line sheets at the end. With all the details I have to add, it takes just as long but looks better in my opinion then figures. I would rather have detailed sketches rather than quick figures that don't look as finished or detailed. I also don't want a lot of illustration in my portfolio because the flats show details better and look cleaner, which is what I want for my portfolio. My collection will change quite a bit before it is due. Right now I have noticed I need a coat or two, and sweaters. Additionally, I should add a collared shirt so this can be more of a lifestyle collection. I want to style this collection with a lot of layers so I need more tops. I designed some shorts because some people wear shorts in the fall, but I wasn't sure about leaving them in. I also noticed that I need add texture through print design and dyeing. I gave two of my pants a twill texture for colored denim, and my look number 13 is actually a base layer that you won't see in any of my final illustrations. My fabrics came in last week so I also included.

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